Planning for your newborn session


Congratulations on your new bundle of joy!

As you know, they grow and change so fast, and that is why it is best to do newborn photos within the first 10 days of your baby’s arrival. I’ve found it to be true that the sooner the better.

Location: Where to have your newborn session

I welcome you to my home for the session, or I can come to your home, whichever is easier for you. My home is baby ready with a changing table and all the little extras we will need for your session so that you can sit back and relax. I understand it can be very difficult to get out of the house with a new little one, in which case I can come to you. This provides a personalized look to your shoot. I can incorporate things around your home and match your style of living. I require good natural light from a window or sliding glass door and a bit of space or the ability to move some furniture around to make for the best space. I will bring some props and set pieces with us to provide the best looking photos possible.
When NOT to do the session at your home: If you have animals that will be in the way and a nuisance, disturbing the baby who maybe posed in items on the floor. Barking dogs make it hard. Also, if you don't have any decent window light during the session time. 

The Process: How I Work with You and Your Baby

Working with families begins even before your little one arrives. Although babies are unpredictable and not always born on the exact due date as planned, I will still have a general idea so that I can start preparing on my end. I also understand that you may want a few days to rest, so take your time. It is recommended to have the shoot within the first couple of weeks of your baby’s birth, so we can capture those “newborn” faces while they are still so fragile, innocent and beautiful. Babies also sleep more often during those first ten days of live. The older they get the more aware of their surroundings they become and typically won't sleep as deeply when being moved around and thus posing becomes much more difficult.
If you are too uncomfortable to attend the shoot, due to having a C-section or difficult recovery, you may want to send the baby to our studio with Daddy. It will give him a good opportunity to bond with baby as well. However, if you would like family photos rather than just individual images of the infant, this is something we can discuss.
Once your session is scheduled, we can talk about your vision for the images. You can incorporate your own ideas. Some parents like to bring props, such as little hats, scarves, mittens or special booties and blankets. We also keep props on hand for this occasion. All items are sanitized in between newborn sessions, so we do keep your baby’s safety and comfort in mind.

Here are a few general tips on shooting your newborn’s photos:

Please wait to feed your baby until upon arrival, so that he/she might be more likely to fall asleep after nursing. I have a comfortable place for you to do this.

Bring a pacifier or nubby for your little one to suck on.

Many of the images I take are “au natural” but I do not want your baby to be cold, so you can bring a favorite soft blanket. I will heat the studio to maintain a warm environment.

If you have any favorite outfits, such as an NFL team jersey, christening gown, or ballerina tutu, etc., please bring these special items with you.

For parents, just dress comfortably. You do not have to dress up. You can wear a blouse or a nice top. I tend to shoot the images from the waist up. I suggest black yoga pants and tank top with a nice shirt you can put on for the family portraits. Avoid small patterns, logos, words and images on shirts. A plain grey, tan, white or black polo shirts for dad usually works well.

Posing and Your Newborn Session

Posing is one of the most critical aspects of newborn photography. Posing an infant requires extra care and handling. I know that your baby’s neck and body are not fully developed and I have a lot of experience in handling newborn babies. Your precious baby’s comfort and security are first and foremost, so I will be very patient and dedicate enough time to capture images based on your baby’s mood. I take every precaution to ensure a very comfortable setting, both for the parents and newborn.
Ultimately these are your most lasting images to preserve the moments in time that can never be replaced. These timeless images will become a family treasure and one that your child will also love to see when he or she becomes an adult.
Life is all about special moments. What more important moment can you think of than the birth of the very life that you created? I look forward to being part of your family’s important newborn photo session as your professional photographer.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Family Portraits

A professional family portrait session will help you not only capture your beautiful family, but will bring their special personality, unique attributes and fun, playful personas to life. Whether you’re a new family of three, recently added a new member or are simply savouring this amazing time in your children’s lives, any time is a perfect one for a portrait session.  As the expression goes, “the days are long, but the years short”—time goes by so quickly and it’s essential that parents capture these beautiful moments before they’re gone. Many families even opt for multiple photo shoots in a year! Sessions take place on location, in a special spot where your family can be comfortable and have fun—think a favorite park, field, backyard, even your home, or anywhere you just love. Add in some favorite clothes, a special prop or two, and maybe even the family pet, me, and you’ve got a great session - and amazing pictures - you’ll love forever.

All Collections include:

Custom planning, and stylizing of your session to create the images you desire. Age appropriate props and chairs and wardrobe help.
All images edited and touched up to bring them to their full potential and show you in the best light.  In-person viewing and ordering session with personalized products to best display your session in your space.  
*Excludes mini sessions

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